When Dating Becomes a Numbers Game

Art of Charm: Five Ways to Keep Her Interested

The Grown-Up’s Guide to Successful Dating

It's Okay To Be Needy

Why Approaching Women Is Harder Than Any Exam

Relationship Killers That Almost Guarantee a Cheat

How Sensitivity Impacts the Modern Dating Scene

Essential Steps for Women in Dating Uncertainty

Interracial Dating From a Black Man’s Perspective

Double Standards in Dating

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George B. July 24, 2014 at 10:32

@Dubby: would you care to elaborate more on that?

I know that surrogacy for single men is still legal in Russia. It’s been banned in Ukraine and India (for single men). There’s a draft Russian law to restrict it for single men, but AFAIK it hasn’t passed.


As for VR sex, I know that the Oculus DK2 is now shipping and they’re expecting a consumer version (CV1) to release by the end of this year.

There are also many next-gen / VR porn companies: Veiviev, OculusRealPorn… and others that are old companies but are embracing next-gen technology. Naughty America, a major porn producer, has already started to shoot in 4K even though the user base of 4K TVs and 4K computer monitors is still tiny; and you can bet that as soon as CV1 of Oculus ships, they’ll start to shoot videos in stereoscopic 3D for VR HMDs. There’s a lot more companies embracing next-gen POV and interactivity, but I will keep my comment here about porn short.


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Visitant July 24, 2014 at 12:32

@Shlomo Shunn


Women are the least emotional sex. They try to hold our greater ability to affection and expression of meaningful feelings (as opposed to representative feelings they express) as something evil/inferior. Feminism and entitled women are keen on placing their coldness as the standard behavior. Emasculation.




Precisely. REAL evil patriarchy with stonings and forced marriage are actually AVOIDED by moral patriarchy. Funny how on places where that happens feminists won’t do a thing generally. And where things are actually GREAT for women, the more they annoy.


As said, feminism depends on wealth and man approval to succeed. And is purely a leech as how feminism was established. Good people and good women would ever only want some protection and equality, never an exploitation scheme.


As not being an exploitation scheme, success would arrive worldwide even without wealth or men approval. Morals never had the need for money or approval.


@George B. ok, but how is that going to replace touch? And reproduction or affection… 3D porn maybe a novelty that worns quickly. All of us know the difference between the real thing. Technology would need to close that gap almost completely and robots would be the only answer…

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